DefaultController :: defaultAction


GET Parameters

No GET parameters

POST Parameters

No POST parameters

Uploaded Files

No files were uploaded

Request Attributes

Key Value
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        <p class="text-center">No one likes to wait. And long waits are twice as unpleasant with children. That's why we recommend taking advantage of the salt mine's practical&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank" title="Opens internal link in current window">online tickets</a>&nbsp;– which you can order from the comfort of home or your hotel room! With your online ticket, you will save time and not have to wait at the ticket window. Perfect for a relaxed outing with your whole family!</p>\n
        <p class="text-center">Still have questions about our guided tours, prices or opening times? The Salt Mine Team is always happy to answer your questions by&nbsp;<a href="" title="Mail to Salzwelten Hallein">E-Mail</a>&nbsp;or on the phone. We look forward to hearing from you!</p>\n
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        <p class="text-center">Still have questions about our guided tours, prices or opening times? The Salt Mine Team is always happy to answer your questions by&nbsp;<a href="" title="Mail to Salzwelten Hallein">E-Mail</a>&nbsp;or on the phone. We look forward to hearing from you!</p>\n
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        <h3>Everything you need to know at a glance</h3>\n
        \t<li><strong>Ticket price:</strong>&nbsp;Children's Tours with Sally cost € 17,--&nbsp;per person. This price includes a small gift as well as a photograph from the slide.</li>\n
        \t<li><strong>Dates</strong>: From June 2021 each Sunday at 11:30 a.m. and every Tuesday at 3:30 p.m.&nbsp;</li>\n
        \t<li><strong>Length of the tour:</strong>&nbsp;The tours takes about 80 minutes to complete.</li>\n
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        \t<li><strong>Tour distance:</strong>&nbsp;Sally shows children her world - and will march with the youngsters 1.5 kilometers into the mountain. So, please, make sure your children are wearing sturdy shoes.</li>\n
        \t<li><strong>Language:</strong>&nbsp;Children's Tours with Sally are only offered in German.</li>\n
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        \t<li><strong>Other things you should know:</strong>&nbsp;The temperature inside the mountain is a relatively constant 10 degrees Celsius. For this reason, and to make your visit to the salt mine more comfortable, we recommend that you and your children wear warm clothing and sturdy shoes regardless of the weather or time of year.</li>\n
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        \t<li><strong>Dates</strong>: From June 2021 each Sunday at 11:30 a.m. and every Tuesday at 3:30 p.m.&nbsp;</li>\n
        \t<li><strong>Length of the tour:</strong>&nbsp;The tours takes about 80 minutes to complete.</li>\n
        \t<li><strong>Photo:</strong>&nbsp;During the tour, we will also take a fun souvenir photo of you on the slide.</li>\n
        \t<li><strong>Tour distance:</strong>&nbsp;Sally shows children her world - and will march with the youngsters 1.5 kilometers into the mountain. So, please, make sure your children are wearing sturdy shoes.</li>\n
        \t<li><strong>Language:</strong>&nbsp;Children's Tours with Sally are only offered in German.</li>\n
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        \t<li><strong>Other things you should know:</strong>&nbsp;The temperature inside the mountain is a relatively constant 10 degrees Celsius. For this reason, and to make your visit to the salt mine more comfortable, we recommend that you and your children wear warm clothing and sturdy shoes regardless of the weather or time of year.</li>\n
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