DefaultController :: defaultAction


GET Parameters

No GET parameters

POST Parameters

No POST parameters

Uploaded Files

No files were uploaded

Request Attributes

Key Value
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        <h3><strong>Current Corona Safety Measures</strong></h3>\n
        <p>Due to the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, effective immediately and until further notice, visitors to all Salzwelten locations are subject to statutory behavioral and&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank" title="Öffnet internen Link im aktuellen Fenster">hygiene regulations</a>. In this regard, we have taken this opportunity to provide answers to some of your most important questions. (Subject to change).</p>\n
        <p><strong>What safety regulations must we comply with while we visit the salt mines?&nbsp;</strong></p>\n
        \t<li>Wear a <strong>FFP-2 mask</strong></li>\n
        \t<li><strong>Keep distance</strong></li>\n
        \t<li><strong>Disinfect </strong>your <strong>hands</strong></li>\n
        <p><strong>Do I have to wear a FFP-2 mask during the entire visit?&nbsp;</strong><br />\n
        The mask requirement applies to all indoor areas of all Salzwelten locations.</p>\n
        <p><strong>Who has to wear a face mask?</strong><br />\n
        All&nbsp;guests ages six and up must wear a face mask.</p>\n
        <p><strong>Where can I disinfect my hands?&nbsp;</strong><br />\n
        Disinfectant dispensers have been installed in the entrance area of all locations for the use of our visitors.</p>\n
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        <h3><strong>Current Corona Safety Measures</strong></h3>\n
        <p>Due to the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, effective immediately and until further notice, visitors to all Salzwelten locations are subject to statutory behavioral and&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank" title="Öffnet internen Link im aktuellen Fenster">hygiene regulations</a>. In this regard, we have taken this opportunity to provide answers to some of your most important questions. (Subject to change).</p>\n
        <p><strong>What safety regulations must we comply with while we visit the salt mines?&nbsp;</strong></p>\n
        \t<li>Wear a <strong>FFP-2 mask</strong></li>\n
        \t<li><strong>Keep distance</strong></li>\n
        \t<li><strong>Disinfect </strong>your <strong>hands</strong></li>\n
        <p><strong>Do I have to wear a FFP-2 mask during the entire visit?&nbsp;</strong><br />\n
        The mask requirement applies to all indoor areas of all Salzwelten locations.</p>\n
        <p><strong>Who has to wear a face mask?</strong><br />\n
        All&nbsp;guests ages six and up must wear a face mask.</p>\n
        <p><strong>Where can I disinfect my hands?&nbsp;</strong><br />\n
        Disinfectant dispensers have been installed in the entrance area of all locations for the use of our visitors.</p>\n
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        <p class="text-center"><a class="btn btn-primary" href="">Salzburg</a>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;<a class="btn btn-primary" href="">Hallstatt</a></p>\n
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        <p><strong>Parking area:</strong>&nbsp;<br />\n
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          <h3><strong>Current Corona Safety Measures</strong></h3>\n
          <p>Due to the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, effective immediately and until further notice, visitors to all Salzwelten locations are subject to statutory behavioral and&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank" title="Öffnet internen Link im aktuellen Fenster">hygiene regulations</a>. In this regard, we have taken this opportunity to provide answers to some of your most important questions. (Subject to change).</p>\n
          <p><strong>What safety regulations must we comply with while we visit the salt mines?&nbsp;</strong></p>\n
          \t<li>Wear a <strong>FFP-2 mask</strong></li>\n
          \t<li><strong>Keep distance</strong></li>\n
          \t<li><strong>Disinfect </strong>your <strong>hands</strong></li>\n
          <p><strong>Do I have to wear a FFP-2 mask during the entire visit?&nbsp;</strong><br />\n
          The mask requirement applies to all indoor areas of all Salzwelten locations.</p>\n
          <p><strong>Who has to wear a face mask?</strong><br />\n
          All&nbsp;guests ages six and up must wear a face mask.</p>\n
          <p><strong>Where can I disinfect my hands?&nbsp;</strong><br />\n
          Disinfectant dispensers have been installed in the entrance area of all locations for the use of our visitors.</p>\n
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          <h3><strong>Current Corona Safety Measures</strong></h3>\n
          <p>Due to the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, effective immediately and until further notice, visitors to all Salzwelten locations are subject to statutory behavioral and&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank" title="Öffnet internen Link im aktuellen Fenster">hygiene regulations</a>. In this regard, we have taken this opportunity to provide answers to some of your most important questions. (Subject to change).</p>\n
          <p><strong>What safety regulations must we comply with while we visit the salt mines?&nbsp;</strong></p>\n
          \t<li>Wear a <strong>FFP-2 mask</strong></li>\n
          \t<li><strong>Keep distance</strong></li>\n
          \t<li><strong>Disinfect </strong>your <strong>hands</strong></li>\n
          <p><strong>Do I have to wear a FFP-2 mask during the entire visit?&nbsp;</strong><br />\n
          The mask requirement applies to all indoor areas of all Salzwelten locations.</p>\n
          <p><strong>Who has to wear a face mask?</strong><br />\n
          All&nbsp;guests ages six and up must wear a face mask.</p>\n
          <p><strong>Where can I disinfect my hands?&nbsp;</strong><br />\n
          Disinfectant dispensers have been installed in the entrance area of all locations for the use of our visitors.</p>\n
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          <h4 class="text-center">TEMPORARY CLOSURE DUE TO REVISION</h4>\n
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          <p><strong>Parking area:</strong>&nbsp;<br />\n
          Free parking is available at the entrance to the mine.</p>\n
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